
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Resume KSI tanggal 11 oktober


1. Cross Functional System

2. Enterprise Application Architecture

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM Applications Clusters

Contract and account management


Cross Selling

Up Selling

Marketing and fulfillment

Customer service and Support

Call center

Help Desk

Retention and Loyalty programs

CRM supports customer life cycle
CRM Benefits 
Reason of CRM Failures
Business Benefits of ERP
Costs of Implementing a new ERP
Causes of ERP Failures
SCM Global
Supply Chain
Supply Chain life cycle
SCM functional prosess
SCM Integrated solution
Electronic data interchange (EDI)
Purchaser Bank
Supplier Bank
Role of SCM
Goals and Objectives of SCM
Causes of problems in SCM
Human Resources Management (HRM)
Information systems designed to support
HRM systems
Training and development
Compensation Administration
HRM and The Internet
Recruiting Employees 
Posting Messages
HRM and Corporate Intranets
Accounting Information system with six essential systems
Order Processing
Inventory Control
Account Reliable
Account Payable
More than just buying and selling product
Processes involved
eCommerce technologies
Business to Consumer (B2C)
Business to Business (B2B)
Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
Access Control and Security
Profiling and Personalizing
Gather Data
Build Electronics
One to one marketing strategies 
Search Management
Content and Catalog Management
Workflow Management
Event Notifications from eCommerce proses
Collaboration and trading
Communities Interest
ePayment Processes 
Web payment processes
eFunds Transfer (EFT)
Securing ePayment
Network Sniffers
Securing measure to combat 
Success factors
Selection and Value
Performance and Service
Advertising and Incentives
Personal attention
A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance.

DSSs include knowledge-based systems. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.

Typical information that a decision support application might gather and present are:

inventories of information assets (including legacy and relational data sources, cubes, data warehouses, and data marts),
comparative sales figures between one period and the next,
projected revenue figures based on product sales assumptions.

Design of a Drought Mitigation Decision Support System.
Three fundamental components of a DSS architecture are:

the database (or knowledge base),
the model (i.e., the decision context and user criteria), and
the user interface.
The users themselves are also important components of the architecture.

Development Frameworks

DSS systems are not entirely different from other systems and require a structured approach. Such a framework includes people, technology, and the development approach.

DSS technology levels (of hardware and software) may include:

The actual application that will be used by the user. This is the part of the application that allows the decision maker to make decisions in a particular problem area. The user can act upon that particular problem.
Generator contains Hardware/software environment that allows people to easily develop specific DSS applications. This level makes use of case tools or systems such as Crystal, AIMMS, and iThink.
Tools include lower level hardware/software. DSS generators including special languages, function libraries and linking modules
An iterative developmental approach allows for the DSS to be changed and redesigned at various intervals. Once the system is designed, it will need to be tested and revised for the desired outcome.


There are several ways to classify DSS applications. Not every DSS fits neatly into one of the categories, but may be a mix of two or more architectures.

Holsapple and Whinston classify DSS into the following six frameworks: Text-oriented DSS, Database-oriented DSS, Spreadsheet-oriented DSS, Solver-oriented DSS, Rule-oriented DSS, and Compound DSS.

A compound DSS is the most popular classification for a DSS. It is a hybrid system that includes two or more of the five basic structures described by Holsapple and Whinston.

The support given by DSS can be separated into three distinct, interrelated categories: Personal Support, Group Support, and Organizational Support.

DSS components may be classified as:

Inputs: Factors, numbers, and characteristics to analyze
User Knowledge and Expertise: Inputs requiring manual analysis by the user
Outputs: Transformed data from which DSS "decisions" are generated
Decisions: Results generated by the DSS based on user criteria
DSSs which perform selected cognitive decision-making functions and are based on artificial intelligence or intelligent agents technologies are called Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS).[citation needed]

The nascent field of Decision engineering treats the decision itself as an engineered object, and applies engineering principles such asDesign and Quality assurance to an explicit representation of the elements that make up a decision.


As mentioned above, there are theoretical possibilities of building such systems in any knowledge domain.

One example is the clinical decision support system for medical diagnosis. Other examples include a bank loan officer verifying the credit of a loan applicant or an engineering firm that has bids on several projects and wants to know if they can be competitive with their costs.

DSS is extensively used in business and management. Executive dashboard and other business performance software allow faster decision making, identification of negative trends, and better allocation of business resources.

A growing area of DSS application, concepts, principles, and techniques is in agricultural production, marketing for sustainable development. For example, the DSSAT4 package, developed through financial support of USAID during the 80's and 90's, has allowed rapid assessment of several agricultural production systems around the world to facilitate decision-making at the farm and policy levels. There are, however, many constraints to the successful adoption on DSS in agriculture.

DSS are also prevalent in forest management where the long planning time frame demands specific requirements. All aspects of Forest management, from log transportation, harvest scheduling to sustainability and ecosystem protection have been addressed by modern DSSs. A comprehensive list and discussion of all available systems in forest management is being compiled under the COST action Forsys

A specific example concerns the Canadian National Railway system, which tests its equipment on a regular basis using a decision support system. A problem faced by any railroad is worn-out or defective rails, which can result in hundreds of derailments per year. Under a DSS, CN managed to decrease the incidence of derailments at the same time other companies were experiencing an increase.


Improves personal efficiency
Speed up the process of decision making
Increases organizational control
Encourages exploration and discovery on the part of the decision maker
Speeds up problem solving in an organization
Facilitates interpersonal communication
Promotes learning or training
Generates new evidence in support of a decision
Creates a competitive advantage over competition
Reveals new approaches to thinking about the problem space
Helps automate managerial processes

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Definisi Sistem
• Sistem merupakan seperangkat unsur yang saling terikat dalam suatu antar relasi diantara unsur-unsur tersebut dengan lingkungan. 
• Sistem adalah suatu kumpulan kesatuan dan perangkat hubungan satu sama lain.
• Sistem adalah setiap kesatuan secara konseptual atau fisik yang terdiri dari bagian-bagian dalam keadaan saling tergantung satu sama lainnya. 
Syarat – Syarat Sistem
1. Sistem harus dibentuk untuk menyelesaikan tujuan. 
2. Elemen sistem harus mempunyai rencana yang ditetapkan. 
3. Adanya hubungan diantara elemen sistem. 
4. Unsur dasar dari proses (arus informasi, energi dan material) lebih penting dari pada elemen sistem. 
5. Tujuan organisasi lebih penting dari pada tujuan elemen. 

Secara Garis Besar, Sistem dibagi menjadi 2:
• Kumpulan elemen-elemen/ unsur-unsur yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain secara fisik serta dapat diidentifikasikan secara nyata tujuan - tujuannya. 
Contoh : 
Sistem transportasi, elemen : petugas, mesin, organisasi yang menjalankan transportasi.
Sistem Komputer, elemen : peralatan yang berfungsi bersama-sama untuk menjalankan pengolahan data.
• Sistem yang dibentuk akibat terselenggaranya ketergantungan ide, dan tidak dapat diidentifikasikan secara nyata, tetapi dapat diuraikan elemennnya. 
Contoh : Sistem Teologi, hubungan antara manusia dengan Tuhan. 
Klasifikasi Sistem
• Sistem dimana operasi-operasi (input/output) yang terjadi didalamnya dapat ditentukan/ diketahui dengan pasti. 
Contoh : 
Program komputer, melaksanakan secara tepat sesuai dengan rangkaian instruksinya.
Sistem penggajian.
• Sistem yang input dan prosesnya dapat didefinisikan, tetapi output yang dihasilkan tidak dapat ditentukan dengan pasti; (Selalu ada sedikit kesalahan/penyimpangan terhadap ramalan jalannya sistem). 
Contoh : 
- Sistem penilaian ujian 
- Sistem pemasaran. 
• Sistem yang mengalami pertukaran energi, materi atau informasi dengan 
lingkungannya. Sistem ini cenderung memiliki sifat adaptasi, dapat menyesuaikan 
diri dengan lingkungannya sehingga dapat meneruskan eksistensinya. 
Contoh : 
Sistem keorganisasian memiliki kemampuan adaptasi. (Bisnis dalam menghadapi persaingan dari pasar yang berubah. Perusahaan yang tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri akan tersingkir)

a. Sistem fisik di mana proses yang terjadi tidak mengalami pertukaran materi, energi atau informasi dengan lingkungan di luar sistem tersebut. Contoh : - reaksi kimia dalam tabung berisolasi dan tertutup. 

• Sistem yang tertutup tetapi tidak tertutup sama sekali untuk menerima pengaruhpengaruh lain. Sistem ini dalam operasinya dapat menerima pengaruh dari luar yang sudah didefinisikan dalam batas-batas tertentu 
Contoh : 
Sistem komputer. (Sistem ini hanya menerima masukan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, mengolahnya dan memberikan keluaran yang juga telah ditentukan sebelumnya. tidak terpengaruh oleh gejolak di luar sistem). 

a. Sistem yang meniru kejadian dalam alam. Sistem ini dibentuk berdasarkan kejadian di alam di mana manusia tidak mampu melakukannya. Dengan kata lain tiruan yang ada di alam. 
i. Contoh : 
1. Sistem AI, yaitu program komputer yang mampu membuat computer seolah-olah berpikir.
2. Sistem robotika.
3. Jaringan neutral network.

a. Sistem yang dibentuk dari kejadian dalam alam. 
Contoh : - laut, pantai, atmosfer, tata surya dll. 

• Sistem penjelasan tingkah laku yang meliputi keikut sertaan manusia. Sistem ini dapat digambarkan dalam cara-cara sebagai berikut : 
1. Sistem manusia-manusia. 
• Sistem yang menitik beratkan hubungan antar manusia. 
2. Sistem manusia-mesin. 
• Sistem yang mengikutsertakan mesin untuk suatu tujuan.

3. Sistem mesin-mesin
Sistem yang otomatis di mana manusia mempunyai tugas untuk memulai dan mengakhiri sistem, sementara itu manusia dilibatkan juga untuk memonitor sistem. 
Mesin berinteraksi dengan mesin untuk melakukan beberapa aktifitas. 
Pengotomatisan ini menjadikan bertambah pentingnya konsep organisasi, dimana manusia dibebaskan dari tugas-tugas rutin atau tugas-tugas fisik yang berat. 
Perancang sistem lebih banyak menggunakan metode " Relatively Closed dan Deterministik Sistem ", karena sistem ini dalam pengerjaannya lebih mudah meramalkan hasil yang akan diperoleh dan lebih mudah diatur dan diawasi. 
Contoh : 
Pada bidang sistem informasi, faktor komputer dan program computer biasanya " Relatively Closed dan Deterministik ", tetapi faktor manusia sebagai pengelolanya adalah " Open dan Probabilistik Sistem ".